Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Letters: I apologize for my shortsightedness

To the editor:

The Muslims will use my argument from my previous letter to the editor against me, so I apologize for my shortsightedness. Let me review history. Two and a half centuries ago, the Christian God wanted to show the world one more time what He could do, so He assembled a bunch of men who were just brilliant and then He greatly blessed our country.

Our forefathers used the biblical understanding of the depravity and corruption of man to form a system of government with separation of powers and a bill of rights, to try to prevent tyranny. Like the Christian God, who allows us to be free of His control, they envisioned a government with very limited power to give the people freedom from the government.

Several of our forefathers said things like, A FREE COUNTRY WILL ONLY WORK FOR A RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. They were thinking a Christian people, because the country was about 98 percent Christian. The freedom they envisioned doesn’t mean the people are free to do whatever they want – they are controlled by God, so they don’t need to be controlled by government.

Some people say they had slavery – that is bad. The ironic thing is that those same people now want slavery. They want some sort of socialist government, which will make everyone be a slave to the government.

Our forefathers wanted a free country instead of a theocracy, so they created a system called separation of Church and State. It was a check valve or diode type of separation. The Bible could be used to influence government but government could not endorse a Church. This is unfortunate because it allows anti-Christian religions to come. This gives us the same problem that Israel has.

The single event that resulted in the worst change in our country was (in 1948?) when the Supreme Court changed separation of church and state to be a wall of separation. That effectively took God out of society and confined Him to be inside churches. Before that, when God was respected by society, even non-Christians respected the concept of only playing with someone he is married to. Some people didn’t do that but everyone understood that was right. Liberal college professors could not promote their immoral ideology before the wall.

Since the wall our society has gotten extremely immoral. God has been very patient, but He must judge our country unless we have a Christian revival very soon. Government is corrupt. The borders are wide open. The terrorists are here. They won’t do something small like four airplanes, two skyscrapers, and 3,000 people. It’ll be something big this time. If it is time for God to judge our nation, the Muslims can say they have evidence that Allah is the true god.

The difference between the two situations of God protecting Israel and judging us will not be acknowledged by the Muslims, so I apologize for writing the last letter about using the analogy of Mount Carmel to prove the real god. The Muslims will use it against me to prove Allah is god until Jesus comes the second time.

Bill Hibbing,
