Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Remarks From the Reverend

The Lord our God, Alone, is our Help and Hope!

Author’s Note: This is the second of a series of devotionals from Psalm 146.

“Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God” – Psalm 146:5

In putting our hope and trust in a “prince,” or a “son of man,” or “we the people,” we have learned they can only offer temporary help and oftentimes, self-defeating or destructive help. There is only one person that we can put our trust and hope in and that is Jesus the Christ. In verse 5 of this psalm, He is referred to as the “God of Jacob,” the “LORD”; that is, YHWH, come in the flesh.

The person who is “happy,” (“blessed” as its translated in Psalm 1:1) doesn’t place his or her trust and hope in a human being, but rather a spiritual being; the God who belonged to the person, Jacob; Jacob, who belonged to Him. It is more than a servant, master relationship, though there is that element to it. It is a familial bond as with a father and his son or daughter, or a mother with her children and vice versa. However, it is even stronger than that; it is an everlasting bond that is unbreakable and unearned that existed between the LORD and Jacob; between the LORD and Jacob’s descendants according to the covenant of Grace through faith. The LORD God of Jacob is the heavenly Father of all who put their trust and hopes in Him. “The LORD his God”; that is, the LORD is God to all who has Him for his or her help, resting in His help in times of trouble and tribulation and not in a “prince,” or a “son of man.” In fact, The LORD our God is our heavenly Father, who can be trusted even more than our earthly fathers; just as Jacob, his earthly father, Isaac.

In referring to God as “the LORD his God” we understand that God is eternal, the self-existing, sovereign, self-sufficient, independent covenant God of grace. He will not fail us when we need Him most. He will provide for our every need, some of which is expressed specifically later in this psalm. He does not die, as the son of man does, so His plans for His people don’t die; His plans will be accomplished for the good of His people and His glory. He cannot fail or He would cease to be God.

“YHWH” (translated “LORD”) is the name of the only true God, which ought to bring great comfort to all who embrace Him by faith alone, placing his or her hope in Him alone in our times of great distress, hardship and troubles that seem to pull us under the miry waters that rage all around us in this fallen world.

Most of all, His name means He is also all powerful, who can neither be defeated; nor tire in His work to sustain His children; nor does He sleep so that His enemies and our enemies can take Him by surprise. In fact, He knows what their plans are and gives them power to execute their plans, or denies that power, according to His will and good purposes for His elect, as Jesus tells us in John 19:11.

Therefore, the very nature of the LORD God of Jacob, the LORD our God gives us good reason to put our trust in Him alone and His gracious and merciful plan of redemption and salvation of sinners, like you and me. Let Him be our help and only hope for peace and comfort in time and in eternity through Jesus Christ, the Incarnate YHWH. His one atoning sacrifice on the cross paid the eternal penalty for our sins, who through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit washes us clean from sin’s stain and obtained for His People according to faith alone in His redemptive promises an eternal inheritance. He who has saved us, will He not also keep us until the day of His coming again? Most assuredly He will through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is our seal and guarantee! (Romans 8:28-39; Ephesians 1:13-14). Walk by faith, serving Him, living to Him every day so that in all that you say and do brings glory to His most holy name. Hope in Him alone, our only help! He won’t disappoint or bring you to shame, guaranteed!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Rev. Richard Stetler, of Hartley, is the CEO and founder of Reformation Gospel Ministries. Visit for more information.