Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

CC/E 1-4 grade students pen letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

My name is Jared. I am in first grade at CC/E. I am six years old. I would like a surprise for Christmas. I would also like some toy tractors and two hockey sticks with a puck-air hockey. Thank you and Merry Christmas, Santa!


Jared Hollenbeck

Dear Santa,

My name is Emmett. I am in first grade at CC/E. How are you? For Christmas this year I would like turbo rocket roller skates. Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Emmett Christensen

Dear Santa,

I am six years old. I go to school at CC/E. I would like you to bring Air Hockey 2. Please bring bath toys for my cousin. I will leave cookies for you.


John Blok

Dear Santa,

I am six almost seven years old. I go to school at CC/E. I would like a black kitten and also a horse set. I will leave cookies and milk for you. I have been very good this year!


London Tewes

Dear Santa,

I am six years old. Is Dasher okay? I would like five Sonic Prime figures. I will leave some cookies and milk for you.


Eli Christensen

Dear Santa,

My name is Jenna. I am in first grade at CCE. How are you? I would like a Fingerling and stuffed animal kitty for my baby sister, Mya. For my brother a camera for his gaming set. Thank you!

Jenna Trierweiler

Dear Santa,

My name is Emma. I am in first grade at CCE. I have been very good these days and today is my birthday (Dec. 14). I am seven years old. I want a surprise for Christmas. I would like some clay and another big surprise. Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Emma Geerdes

Dear Santa,

My name is Vera. I am in first grade at CC/E. How are you? For Christmas I would like smelly markers and a surprise. I would also like some balloons. I got a new puppy, too. His name is Harvest or Harvey. Thank you and Merry Christmas, Santa Claus!


Vera Toft

Dear Santa,

I want pajamas and a stuffed animal dog. I want some crafts and diamond art. Could you give my brother a red tractor and my sister a necklace? Dad needs a cup and mom needs pots and pans. Santa I'll have cookies and milk right by the Christmas tree.


Elizabeth Geerdes

Dear Santa,

My name is Bradley. I am in first grade at CC/E. I moved to Royal. I want a kitten for Christmas. I want a black kitten and its name will be Vodo. Could you bring my sister a baby doll? I really want those little pet dogs with accessories. I'm leaving you milk and cookies by the tree or on the counter. Thank you Santa!


Bradley Cowan

Dear Santa,

My name is Greyson. How are you Santa? I would like a giant Squishy of Squirtle and a cool T-Rex for my brother. Thank you.


Dear Santa,

Can I have a remote control Lamborgini for Christmas, please? How do you get the letters from the Santa box? Can I also have a Spider-Man board game, please? Thank you.


Dear Santa,

Are you real? Can I have another squishmallow? I love them! Say "Hi" to all of the elves for me.


Dear Santa,

Will you please bring me Holiday books? How many reindeer do you have?


Dear Santa,

I want earrings for Christmas. I want a squishmallow for Christmas. I also want a knitting kit. I like reading the Razz books. Please can you get me these? Thank you.

Ariel :)

Dear Santa,

I would like $10K, board games, Spider-Man for Xbox1. I would like slime and frog toys. I love all the toys you bring me. I want pig stuffed animals.

Bryce Essing

Dear Santa,

I want Robyx and a stuffed animal raindeer (any) and more Barbies like four and a A&W gift card. And anything you want to give me! :)


Dear Santa,

I've been really good so far. I love you so much, you and Mrs. Claus. Please get me a tiger notebook (it's OK if you can't get it I understand). But if you can get slime that would be nice (with jelly cubes). I love my friends and family. I love x-mas. U R the best!!!!


Jazelle Kay Francis-Davis

Dear Santa Clause!!!!!!!!!

20 gauge muzzle loader, 14 shels, books, bookmarks, markers, dogs, CASH, Mario Kart, popcorn, pens, Cirkle water, movies, cats, fishing things, coal, candy, tractor, fortnite, cash, cash, cash, cash, cash, cash.



Dear Santa,

Hows things going in the north pole? Is it really cold up there? This year I would like a baby doll, a couple princess dolls, and some new clothes.


Isabella T.

Dear Santa,

How is the weather in the north pole? This year we will leave out 3 more cookies again with some milk. How are the reindeer? I bet there big, healthy and strong! What I want for Christmas is a Twenty Two, BeBe Gun, or a Hunting Gun!


Your friend Leo Geerdes

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! You make CC/E shine bright! This Christmas I hopping for some candy canes you make out there! This year I'm in fourth grade! My favorite thing I did this year is that I got to go to the YMCA with Kallie on my birthday!


Willow Hollenbeck

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa this is Kallie. How is the weather up in the North Pole? How are your raindeer? So they like carrots so do they have good eye sight? What is Santa's dog's name...Santa Paws. HaHaHaHa. I'm really excited for the condo at Briggs Bay. Thanks for all that you do. Who is your favorit raindeer? Tell all of them I say hi. Have a happy Christmas. What do you do on Christmas Eve? Then what do you do on Christmas? Well that's all I have to say. Have a Great Christmas. Tell your elfs I say Hi! Thanks Santa. :) <3

Sincerely your friend on the Nice List,

Kallie Campbell :)

Dear Santa,

How is blitsin doing? How is Comit doing? How are rudof and the other raindear doing? Hopefully good. All I would like is Mrs. Loving to feel better. That's it.



Dear Santa,

How is the team doing? Don't get too cold! I would want a horse for Christmas. Don't eat too many cookies!


Lilly Geerdes