Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Hartley Candidate Q&A

3 candidates vying for 2 council seats

What did we ask?

The Sentinel-News sent questionnaires to each candidate in the Nov. 7 election. Questions included:

1. Please provide background information about yourself (i.e. family, career, etc.).

2. Please detail any past experience in local government or other community organizations.

3. Why are you running?

4. Do you have any concerns about your city or issues affecting it?

5. What goals do you have for your city, and how would you go about achieving them?

6. Is there anything you'd like to add?

Rodney Ahrenstorff, Hartley Mayor

1. I have lived my entire life in the Hartley area. I worked at the U.S. Post Office for 31 years and 14 years as a custodian for H-M-S schools.

2. I have been mayor for the last six years and board president for Meadowbrook Golf & Country Club for the last nine years.

3. To provide stability, as we have had a lot of new people changing positions.

4. Our biggest concern is the pool, which is now close to being completed. As always, looking for new businesses to come to town and keep up with infrastructure.

5. Flood mitigation, Highway 18 safety concerns, infrastructure projects, review cemetery expansion.

6. N/A

Greg Cotter, Hartley City Council

1. Married to Rita, 45 years. I'm a part-time clerk at Babcock Meat Co., in Sheldon.

2. I was appointed to city council in July, filling a seat vacated by Roxann Swanson.

3. I am enjoying working with the current council. I want to continue to be active in government.

4. Every meeting brings up new challenges. Our council works well together to address these challenges and find answers. Brainstorming and listening to other ideas is needed.

5. Keeping the budgets on track and keeping the city running in the right direction. We need to listen to our citizens – their contributions are appreciated by the council.

6. N/A

Matt Dolphin, City Council

1. I was born and raised for a majority of my life in Hartley. I have a lovely wife, Brittany, and two crazy kids, Alleigh and Tayten. Alleigh is 9 and in fourth grade and Tayten is 8 and in second grade. Alleigh just recently became the first president of the student council for the elementary so she is hoping she can teach me some things about governance.

I have worked at Wells Blue Bunny in LeMars for the past 10 years. I am currently a Power and Automation Engineer working on capital expense projects for new production lines, new product launches, and any other general improvements to the business. In previous roles at the company I was an automation engineer for the Process Improvement Group, leading a small team in all things automation to help improve existing processes and make them more efficient. Prior to that I was the process controls supervisor, leading a group of 20-plus in all aspects of automation. I also spent a year in our Dunkirk, N.Y., facility, helping start an automation group. My wife always tells me it is hard to explain what I do for a living so in short I use computers to make machines do things.

2. I have been a long-time board member of the Hartley Community Daycare Center. I am proud of how far the center has come since being on the board. We have gotten to a better place in all aspects of the business. With the help of all of the board members past and present, the staff, our director Kaity Pedley, parents and help from the community, we have been able to bring the center to a place we feel can provide quality care for the community for a long time. We are currently working on a plan for a new or updated facility.

I am also involved in the alumni mentorship program at Northwest Iowa Community College. I serve on many college program advisory boards including Northwest Iowa Community College (Sheldon), Western Iowa Technical Community College (Sioux City), Lakes Area Technical Community College (Watertown, S.D.), and Jamestown Community College (Dunkirk, N.Y.).

3. I am running for city council to do my part in making Hartley a great place to live for me and my family. I think my generation is lacking representation on the council, so I decided I would try to do my part.

4. I think one of the main concerns I have heard from many is the water quality in town. The amount of rust due to old and deteriorating piping is the main concern. We have a state-of-the-art water plant, but the delivery infrastructure is lacking. I completely understand the immense cost and seemingly impossible task of replacing the underground pipes, but it has to be done somehow. Maybe it is a 10- or even 20-year project, or maybe there are some type of federal grants or funding available, but I think the city has to start on a solution before it becomes a larger problem.

5. One of the main things I would like to see for Hartley is growth. I think to make Hartley a community that people can stay in and attract new families is more industry, housing and other general services. Hartley has a lot of great things for a small community. We have a brand new elementary, an updated high school and a new middle school for H-M-S in Sanborn, soon will have a new community pool, soon to have a new or greatly improved daycare, and many other things. I think we need to capitalize on the good things that we currently have going to attract more industry to town.

6. I would like to add that I greatly appreciate the support and hope you will vote for me on Nov. 7. If there are ever ideas, concerns or comments, I hope to always have an open dialogue with all in the community and that I can represent your interests on the city council.

Kenny Embrey, Hartley City Council

1. My name is Kenny Embrey. I was born and raised in Louisville, Ky. After high school I moved to Dallas, Texas, where I met my wife Marcia (Marco) on a blind date. Marcia and I married and were blessed with two sons, Stephen and Matt. Stephen married Kelly Kessnick and they blessed us with four granddaughters. Unfortunately, we lost Marcia in June of 2022.

I was employed at O'Brien County Implement for 20 years. I retired in 2021 to take care of my wife. Both of my sons are business owners in Hartley. Stephen and his wife, Kelly, own SK Repair+, and Matt owns The Powder Coating Center.

2. While the boys were growing up in Hartley, I was the Cub Scouts leader for Troop 158.

3. I am running for city council because I feel it's something I need to do. I feel very strongly about the community I have called home for 35 years.

4. I have multiple concerns about infrastructure and think we need to think outside of the box to find ways to address the issues. I am also concerned about housing for first-time homebuyers that would keep young families here.

5. I would like to see the city grow with businesses and increased community involvement.

6. Vote for me, I know nothing about how the city runs and I want to learn and see what I can do to help make it an even better community to live in now and for the future generations.