Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

All-School Reunion seeks volunteers

The HHS All-School Reunion met at Red’s Catering on Wednesday, Oct. 25. Attending were Roy Wohlert, Sandy Nelson, Becky Tschopp, Clayton Pyle, Steve Lux and Tammy Ginger. Also present were Matt Wildeman and Rachel Wilson from the Hartley Chamber of Commerce.

First on the agenda was the upcoming 150th Hartley celebration in 2029. Discussion was held on whether anything was starting to develop on this, and the Chamber has discussed it. The committee presented their take on the matter. The All-School Reunion will be held in 2025 and the next would be in 2028. They have decided not to have it in 2028 and incorporate it in 2029 with the 150th celebration.

Discussion was held on how to get more people involved in the All-School Reunion committee. Anyone who would like to help with the event and attend meetings is welcome. Contact one of the committee members or come to a meeting. They will be announcing when the next meeting will be held.

The income and expense reports were accepted. Steve Lux was voted to be the president of the All-School Reunion board. The omelet breakfast was successful this year. It was decided to hold the event again at the Legion Building.

Discussion was held on the 2025 reunion, including how to get updated addresses for the list of classmates, a band and dinner, and a place to hold the event. The committee will be discussing this more in the future.

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