Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

More bang for their buck

CDBG funds remain for Hartley infrastructure improvements

A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has proved to be the gift that keeps on giving for the City of Hartley.

The council on Monday received an update on the grant from Bolton & Menk engineer Wes Boyer, who reported funds still remain following the completion of the city's lift station upgrade and sewer pipe relining project. Boyer said the city could use the remaining balance for other projects on the east side of town or return it.

Boyer suggested the city use the money to help pay for a sewer main upgrade that crosses Highway 18 near Dollar General. He said there's a drop in the line there, which would likely need to be addressed in the future.

Boyer expected the project to cost between $90,000-$100,000, half of which would be covered by remaining CDBG funds.

"I think this would be a good opportunity to use some of those CDBG funds," he said.

The council agreed, and gave the go-ahead for Boyer to begin planning.

"I'd hate to see that $50,000 go to waste," said Council Member Nick Galm.

Hartley was originally awarded $500,000 in CDBG funds for the sewer lift station replacement on the east side of town. However, bids for the project came in much lower than expected. The council had the option to use the money on another project or return roughly half of the award.

The council decided to complete a sewer main relining project in the area serviced by the lift station. That project was completed earlier this summer and cost around $410,000, according to discussion Monday.