Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Ernst impressed with Sanborn during O'Brien County visit

Senator makes 4 stops at local businesses Tuesday

Sen. Joni Ernst is a big fan of what's happening in Sanborn.

Iowa's junior U.S. senator was put on parade in the community Tuesday as part of her annual 99-county tour. The Republican visited downtown businesses with a local delegation, stopping at AMPI, Locomotion Lanes, Sanborn Carnegie Hall and Family Health Chiropractic.

Ernst fielded concerns from business owners and was shown areas of growth and improvement in Sanborn.

"We need to find ways to not just survive, but thrive in these small towns," she said, noting the importance of a strong business sector. "It draws visitors and potential residents into the community."

After a brief gathering at City Hall, Ernst headed to AMPI where she fielded questions and suggestions from officials there regarding the dairy industry. A portion of discussion centered on the new Farm Bill, which Ernst noted has significant influence from Iowa's congressional delegation – two senators and two representatives sit on the committees that are developing the bill.

"That's a big deal," she said. "It's pretty rare that a state has more than one person represented."

One of Ernst's big focal points is regulating the sale of American land to foreign investors. She said that a portion of land the size of Tennessee is controlled by foreign ownership.

Specifically, she said China was a big target.

"We really have to better manage who's purchasing the land in the United States and it certainly shouldn't be our adversaries," she said.

After AMPI, Ernst headed to Locomotion Lanes to check out the updated bowling alley. Owner Bert Van Dam gave her an overview of improvements at the business, which has received a significant transformation in the past few years.

Van Dam even got Ernst to bowl a frame and sign a pin during her stop.

"I love bowling, even though I'm not that good at it," the senator said before rolling a gutter ball.

Ernst then moved on to Sanborn Carnegie Hall, which has been restored into a small events center as well as a one-room hotel. Guests can rent the basement living space in the former library for short stays.

Ernst was impressed by the community spirit that gave the building new life.

"It is wonderful what you've done here," she said.

The final stop on the visit took Ernst to Family Health Chiropractic, where she presented owner Stacy Carlin with a Small Business of the Week Award.

Ernst, who is the ranking member of the Senate Small Business Committee, has made it a priority to honor a business in all 99 Iowa counties. The clinic's acknowledgement will be entered into the Congressional record.

"We really appreciate what you do for the community and taking care of everyone," Ernst told Carlin. "You came highly recommended."