Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Bits 'n Pieces

Tribute to my Grandpa

How blessed am I to get to mourn in this way,

To grieve for the loss of a bright yesterday,

To not have to wonder where he's gone or has been,

To imagine his new form, running free once again,

Sitting on the crick bank with his sisters and his friends,

Holding his sweet grand babe, his deep joy shall not end,

We don't know how to feel as we wipe away the tears,

The Heavens rejoice as we reminisce our years,

We think about our lifetime with such a wonderful man,

And we rest assured in God's amazing plan.

How blessed am I to get to mourn in this way,

To grieve for the loss of a bright yesterday,

To know that our blessed sorrow is truly a gift,

That we ever were graced with a Grandpa like him.

Sentinel-News contributor Iesha Toft lives in Royal.

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