Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

That's a lot of zeroes

10-minute presentation yields $100,000 for Hartley trail committee

The Hartley Recreation Trail Committee didn't see this one coming.

Members last week accepted a $100,000 grant from United Way in Spencer to help pay for construction of the trail. The money was made possible by a charitable trust established by the Heerde family of Milford, who charged United Way with selecting local causes worth contributing to.

"There's no stipulations as far as we know, just a check for $100,000," said Laura Mohni, trail committee member. "We were extremely surprised and extremely grateful."

The money came relatively easily. United Way contacted the trail committee earlier this year, and members in March presented their project in front of the organization's board of directors.

"They gave us 10 minutes to present and then there was 10 minutes for questions," said trail committee member Nicole Shaffer. "That was it."

The committee was invited to an awards ceremony last Friday to accept the money.

"We received a generic email about the ceremony and found out what we were getting at the presentation," Mohni said. "We had no idea going in how much we were getting."

The trail committee was one of three organizations that received a grant last week. The Red Cross in Sioux City was awarded $52,000, while Grand Avenue Community Outreach in Spencer landed $150,000.

United Way's contribution was by far the largest to date for the rec trail committee. In addition to the group's ongoing can and bottle drive, it received $20,000 from the Empower Rural Iowa Grant Program to install flashing crossing beacons on Highway 18.

Mohni said the group plans to keep applying for grant opportunities at both the state and local level.

"We'll keep trying and chipping away at it," she said.