Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Changing of the bags

Hartley trio takes over H-M-S Kids Backpack Program

Three new faces have taken the reigns of the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Kids Backpack Program.

Rodney Ahrenstorff and Darla and Russ Meyer started heading the local food program at the start of the year. Though still operated through the Tritonia Club, the Hartley trio handles ordering and stocking goods for distribution to local children in need each week.

The Kids Backpack Program was previously led by Kathy Shepherd and other volunteers, who built it into what it is today.

"She said we can't let it drop. I told her that I couldn't do it by myself, so I roped these two into it," Darla Meyer said. "Kathy was very organized. She gave us a folder and we're just following her lead."

The program typically serves just over 30 children each week spread across H-M-S's three buildings. Food is given to the children over the weekends, with larger allotments handed out during extended breaks.

Food is ordered each week through Fiesta Foods in Hartley and then brought to Grace Fellowship, where it is sorted and stored.

Other volunteers typically sort the goods into bags. This year, employees from Valero and the City of Hartley are taking turns, with additional help pledged from H-M-S Parents In Education.

"We get a lot of good help here, and the space from Grace Fellowship works perfect," said Russ Meyer.

The system is quite organized. Food items are all sorted into their separate storage containers, which have labels on them indicating how much each student gets of that particular item.

"It's hard to mess up," Ahrenstorff said.

Donations to the Kids Backpack Program are always welcome. They can be dropped off at United Community Bank in Hartley, or customers can credit the program's account at Fiesta Foods.

"We're always appreciative of the support we get to keep this going," said Darla Meyer.