Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

H-M-S board sells former elementary building

Hestia Investments buys property for $100

Editor's note: Complete coverage of Wednesday's board hearing will be featured in the Dec. 9 edition of the Sentinel-News.

The Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn school board on Wednesday voted to sell the former elementary building for $100.

The lone bid came from Mike Reese, of Hestia Investments, who originally met with the board Nov. 15 to express interest in the Hartley property. The board in October had agreed to proceed with demolition of the building after no offers were made regarding future development.

Reese said Wednesday the west wing of the building needs a new roof before snow flies this winter. He indicated that his company plans to start completing priority repairs once ownership changes.

A handful of individuals in attendance asked questions of Reese and expressed both caution and support for the project. Hestia Investments plans to turn the building into apartments, business space and other ventures.

The school board voted 4-1 to sell the property. Board Member Ryan Haack was the lone dissenter, and was concerned the board didn't have enough information about the project to approve the sale or deny it.

The building has sat empty since classes dismissed last May. It housed 5-8 grade students during the 2020-21 school year while the new middle school was being built in Sanborn.

H-M-S's new elementary building opened in August of 2020.