Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Up is down, down is up

I generally despise traveling. Long road trips make me recoil, and plane rides have my legs feeling cramped before I even board the bird.

Right now, though, I wish I was 35,000 miles above the ground.

My and Kaity’s wedding date is fast approaching – Sept. 4 is right around the corner. Final plans are being wrapped up and arrangements made, but I’m lucky to remember what day it is each morning. There are too many balls in the air for my narrowly-focused brain to make sense of it all.

I’m currently working on the Sept. 9 edition of the Sentinel-News. We’ll be on our honeymoon when it prints, but I still need to write and lay out the news before I head out. I’m pretty scatter-brained at the moment, to put it lightly. A former school official once told me running a news publication seemed like running a dairy – you always have to put out a paper, just like you always have to milk the cows.

My personal obligations pale in comparison to my bride-to-be, who has done 95 percent of the wedding planning so far. The slim 5 percent of my part came from enduring engagement photos in -13 degree weather and saying, “Yeah, sounds good,” when she asks if I like something wedding-related. She’s given me a fair amount a grief about my hands-off approach, but I know darn well she wouldn’t have it any other way.

The next week will be a whirlwind of activity. I don’t know if I’m ready for it, but I have no choice. The Big Day is nigh come hell or high water.

I’m excited, though. Kaity and I did everything backwards – first we remodeled our house, then came the kids halfway through the house project, and last summer I finally got her a ring. The order of things is no matter to me, though. I love her, our family and the life we’ve built for oursevles no matter how challenging things might seem sometimes. I never cease to be amazed when I reflect on it all.

Our wedding is now only eight days away and there’s still seemingly so much to do. Because I’m an idiot, I’m worried about mowing the yard before we leave for our honeymoon rather than the vital logistics of our wedding day. These headscratching priorities drive my beloved bride crazy, and I don’t blame her; however, she has a lifetime to try to “improve” my ways.

I’m strapping in and getting ready for a wild week ahead. If you happen to bump into me and it looks like I’ve gone crazy, it’s because I have. I’m just trying to get through everything in one piece so I can board the plane to paradise. The wedding will be good, but we’re both eagerly anticipating the honeymoon already.

Nick Pedley is news editor of The Hartley Sentinel-The Everly/Royal News.

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