Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties
• Traffic
Ethan Anderson, Sheldon, Dark Windows.
Eric John Schwager, Sheldon, Registration Violation; Snowmobile Stop Sign Violation.
Roberto Barraza Campuzano, Cherokee, Speeding.
Wyatt Joseph Kraft, Cherokee, No Proof of Insurance.
Hunter Joseph Pearce, Iowa, La., Speeding.
Nicholas Anzua, Jr., Hospers, Speeding.
Brandon Michael Floyd Cmela, Orange City, Registration Violation.
Kendra Sue Goeden, Sheldon, No Valid Driver’s License.
Jordan B. Jalas, Sutherland, Speeding.
Jack Joseph Bartz, Sheldon, Seatbelt Violation.
Charlene Kay Mastbergen, Dakota Dunes, S.D., Failure to Obey Stop Sign.