Serving O'Brien & Clay Counties

Toft's Thoughts

Seeking Joy and Hope

How is everyone holding up out there? I'm remaining rather joyful amidst summer's ever-present chaos. We are finding normalcy in boating outings, pool dips and visits with family between running from here to there for daily obligations.

Liam is one test and a few driving sessions away from completing his driver's ed course. I remember driving around Everly and Royal – what felt like 506 times – with Mr. Harmon politely coaching us from the passenger seat. "Relax. Focus. Be aware," and sometimes "Slow down!" were his usual remarks. Livon was lucky enough to have him as her driver's ed teacher last year through CC/E. This year Liam is over at H-M-S with a new teacher that he really enjoys as well.

What a huge privilege it is to drive. I'm thankful they are taking their driver's ed in Iowa vs. Florida. They are learning a lot, practicing often and are enjoying their new responsibility as young drivers. Their younger siblings are finding it hard to grasp that they have a long time to wait before their driver's ed stint begins. God bless their tenacity.

We spent the past weekend in Lost Island, enjoying the intense heat and humidity while on the lake. We played with play dough, played gin, painted canvases and rocks, went tubing and swimming until we couldn't take it any longer, and enjoyed time watching our kids play together along with their friends. Livon and Liam fly home in less than two weeks, thus it's that time of summer for us to relish every remaining moment together and take it all in. It's not over 'til it's over and we are sure to enjoy our time together up until they fly away.

They are heading into a hot spot, which is cause for concern. However we know their mother will keep them safe and make certain that they remain physically, mentally and emotionally healthy, as will we from afar. Towards the end of summer, it is always a bag of mixed emotions for them. They can't wait to get back to see their mother and high school friends, but just the same they feel sadness in leaving their Iowa home and family. It is tough on everyone, but if the pandemic has taught us anything, it is to look on the bright side and remain grateful for what we have. This extra time with them has been a blessed silver lining and we do not take that for granted.

I'm praying the summer is gracing you with an abundance of quality time and ample opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. There is much to learn from our surroundings and selves in situations like this. The world aches for positivity and hope; let's keep that hope alive with our small-town kindness and sincerity. Don't forget that you hold the key to the joy you find in your day. We are being thrown curve ball after curve ball and it's easy to find ourselves swinging at pitches above the shoulders or below the knees. Use your heart and mind collectively, my friends. It will get you far. Have a blessed week.

Sentinel-News contributor Iesha Toft lives in Royal.